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Sovereign Syre, a high instructor teacher, is in will not hear of classroom tidying up. It's the end of the instructor day, so with are no students around. Her step-daughter, Gianna Gem, comes by and leans in the doorway with a backpack over will not hear of shoulder. 'Are you ready to go, Mom?' she asks, looking to a certain annoyed. 'I'm on every side done, honey!' Sovereign says, good-naturedly. Gianna huffs, saying that if she takes adding long, she'll unique walk. It's clear she's moody.</br></br>Sovereign catches onto the sour mood immediately. She asks Gianna what's the matter. Gianna hesitates at first, seemingly contented to be grumpy, but after some coaxing from Sovereign, Gianna trudges into the room and drops will not hear of bag on a desk. She whines, why does she have to be stuck with having will not hear of step-mom as will not hear of high instructor homeroom teacher? Sovereign is surprised, asking will not hear of what that means? Gianna insists that redness feels like Sovereign illusion for every possible opportunity to embarrass will not hear of in class. She's the laughingstock with will not hear of friends and peers.</br></br>Sovereign's constantly treating will not hear of all sweetly and praising will not hear of work in front of the class. 'But your work really IS good,' Sovereign says defensively, so why shouldn't she use redness as an the reality for the class? And WHY does Sovereign have to always use Gianna's name in will not hear of hypothetical examples, too? It feels like she's picking on her. Especially now when it's during the module about... sex education?</br></br>Sovereign says that she doesn't feel like she uses Gianna's name in examples any more than anyone if not in the class. Maybe she's doing redness more so now that they're talking about sex ed, unique because she doesn't want to make the other students uncomfortable. 'But it's passable to make ME uncomfortable?' Gianna laments.</br></br>Sovereign frowns and apologizes, saying she didn't know she was multitude Gianna THAT uncomfortable. Sex is such a natural thing, so why is she so embarrassed? 'We're family, and that's just... so private... My friends think it's totally weird, and make fun of me ALL the time.'</br></br>Gianna illusion more flustered as she admits that they... make fun of will not hear of because they think Sovereign... has the HOTS for Gianna. Sovereign lets out a laugh. Be worthwhile for course there's no definiteness to THAT! Gianna illusion even more hurt, and Sovereign appears to be confused, why does redness bother Gianna so much? Gianna illusion flustered as she tries to resist answering, but presently admits that she... maybe has a bit of a crush on Sovereign.</br></br>Sovereign studies will not hear of daughter, more intrigued, occasionally touches will not hear of shoulder in an affectionate way. She tells will not hear of daughter that it's passable if she has some feelings towards her. She's 18 now -- a grown woman, even if will not hear of hormones are still a bit out of whack. Gianna starts to protest, but occasionally quiets far and admits that she doesn't WANT to have those feelings for Sovereign... It's unique that ever since she obstructed 18, she's been drawn to Sovereign in a uniformly she's never known before. But she was never redress to will not hear of real mom, so she doesn't know if this is will not hear of totally misreading how they show affection?</br></br>Sovereign assures will not hear of daughter that it's normal to be sexually frustrated at will not hear of age. Sovereign thinks that them having sex will help resolve the sexual frustration and the feelings about Sovereign. Gianna hesitates, nervous to take the plunge, but when Sovereign sensually caresses will not hear of arm and gently kisses will not hear of neck, Gianna can no longer resist.</br></br>They're gonna give a whole new meaning to the words TEACHER'S PET!
Sovereign Syre, a high instructor teacher, is in will not hear of classroom tidying up. It's the end of the instructor day, so with are no students around. Her step-daughter, Gianna Gem, comes by and leans in the doorway with a backpack over will not hear of shoulder. 'Are you ready to go, Mom?' she asks, looking to a certain annoyed. 'I'm on every side done, honey!' Sovereign says, good-naturedly. Gianna huffs, saying that if she takes adding long, she'll unique walk. It's clear she's moody.

Sovereign catches onto the sour mood immediately. She asks Gianna what's the matter. Gianna hesitates at first, seemingly contented to be grumpy, but after some coaxing from Sovereign, Gianna trudges into the room and drops will not hear of bag on a desk. She whines, why does she have to be stuck with having will not hear of step-mom as will not hear of high instructor homeroom teacher? Sovereign is surprised, asking will not hear of what that means? Gianna insists that redness feels like Sovereign illusion for every possible opportunity to embarrass will not hear of in class. She's the laughingstock with will not hear of friends and peers.

Sovereign's constantly treating will not hear of all sweetly and praising will not hear of work in front of the class. 'But your work really IS good,' Sovereign says defensively, so why shouldn't she use redness as an the reality for the class? And WHY does Sovereign have to always use Gianna's name in will not hear of hypothetical examples, too? It feels like she's picking on her. Especially now when it's during the module about... sex education?

Sovereign says that she doesn't feel like she uses Gianna's name in examples any more than anyone if not in the class. Maybe she's doing redness more so now that they're talking about sex ed, unique because she doesn't want to make the other students uncomfortable. 'But it's passable to make ME uncomfortable?' Gianna laments.

Sovereign frowns and apologizes, saying she didn't know she was multitude Gianna THAT uncomfortable. Sex is such a natural thing, so why is she so embarrassed? 'We're family, and that's just... so private... My friends think it's totally weird, and make fun of me ALL the time.'

Gianna illusion more flustered as she admits that they... make fun of will not hear of because they think Sovereign... has the HOTS for Gianna. Sovereign lets out a laugh. Be worthwhile for course there's no definiteness to THAT! Gianna illusion even more hurt, and Sovereign appears to be confused, why does redness bother Gianna so much? Gianna illusion flustered as she tries to resist answering, but presently admits that she... maybe has a bit of a crush on Sovereign.

Sovereign studies will not hear of daughter, more intrigued, occasionally touches will not hear of shoulder in an affectionate way. She tells will not hear of daughter that it's passable if she has some feelings towards her. She's 18 now -- a grown woman, even if will not hear of hormones are still a bit out of whack. Gianna starts to protest, but occasionally quiets far and admits that she doesn't WANT to have those feelings for Sovereign... It's unique that ever since she obstructed 18, she's been drawn to Sovereign in a uniformly she's never known before. But she was never redress to will not hear of real mom, so she doesn't know if this is will not hear of totally misreading how they show affection?

Sovereign assures will not hear of daughter that it's normal to be sexually frustrated at will not hear of age. Sovereign thinks that them having sex will help resolve the sexual frustration and the feelings about Sovereign. Gianna hesitates, nervous to take the plunge, but when Sovereign sensually caresses will not hear of arm and gently kisses will not hear of neck, Gianna can no longer resist.

They're gonna give a whole new meaning to the words TEACHER'S PET!

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